| 2003 Mini Truckin Suspension Buyers Guide grille
* Drop Kits
* Lift Kits
* Bolt-on Drops
* Air Ride Systems
* Hydraulics
* Switches
* Brackets
* Airbags
* Adjustable Suspension Control
* Multilink Suspensions
* Compressors
* Drop Spindles
* Lowered Leaf Springs
* Electric/Manual Air Valves
Skied or Slammed - 'Bagged & Draggin'So, you consider yourself a hard-core mini-truck enthusiast, do you? Well, in order to gain the respect and adoration of your like-minded mini-truckin' peers, that stock suspension setup of yours isn't gonna' cut the mustard. Yeah, mini-trucks are incredibly cool, but when you lift them to the sky, or slam them hard to Mother Earth, that's when life begins to get really fun.
Most enthusiasts start out with an entry-level suspension modification, usually of the bolt-on persuasion. From the start, they know whether they'll spend their life in the clouds or become totally grounded with their truck. They start out with a simple yet effective means of either lifting or lowering their trucks. However, because simple bolt-on parts are good for a starting point, and a certain amount of light adjustment to ride height, it's only a matter of time before they desire more.

| 2003 Mini Truckin Suspension Buyers Guide convertible Truck
In a typical lift situation, you're likely to get a few inches of suspension lift before the suspension parts as equipped from the factory will begin to reach their limits. Ball joints and stock upper and lower control arms are only meant to work within certain parameters. Soon, you'll have to do something about the truck not being able to be aligned, or you're going to be buying tires left and right. In a lowering sense, a lot of these topics also come into play. For one, you'll be limited as to how far down you go because, eventually, you're going to run into that immovable obstacle known as the ground. This looks awesome, but once your truck is planted, how do you plan to use it as anything but a shiny planter for flowers?
We can't think of one person who wouldn't like to take their truck with them every chance they have, so the best response to this question is adjustable suspension. Whether you choose to adjust the ride height of your truck using airbags, hydraulics, or a combination of the two, there are a million products out there to make doing the job easier, safer, and more reliable. The only hard part is finding out what the best stuff out there is and who has it. That's where our 2003 Suspension Buyer's Guide comes in. We've assembled some of the greatest names in the lifted and lowered suspension aftermarket and put them all in one place to make customizing your truck's suspension as simple as browsing the Internet or making a few phone calls. It's up to you, but whatever route you take, do it safely and do it well!

| 2003 Mini Truckin Suspension Buyers Guide viair Compressor
VIAR CorporationViair introduces the 100 percent Duty 350C Series Compressor to its lineup of more than 30 models of 12- and 24- volt air compressors. The 350C is rated at 150 psi working pressure and draws 15 amps. The 350C is sealed for moisture and dust resistance and comes fully equipped with a stainless steel braided leader hose with inline check valve. The 350C pushes an impressive 0.81 cfms at 100 psi and will pump out 0.57 cfm at 150 psi. If you are looking for a reliable mobile pneumatic air source, the 350C is definitely worth checking out. With a 15-amp working amp draw rating, the 350C is also well suited for multi-compressor fast-air setups. For more information, contact: Viair, (949) 582-6868, www.viaircorp.com.

| 2003 Mini Truckin Suspension Buyers Guide airbag Remote
AIM IndustriesThis 24-function remote comes equipped with eight outputs. The controller's functions can be used in any combination simultaneously. You'll be dancing your truck in no time because this remote is truly amazing! It's designed from the ground up to work with airbag systems, so it's going to work with whatever type of optional airbag system functions you can imagine. For more information, contact: (800) 682-TRUX (682-8789), www.airbagit.com.

| 2003 Mini Truckin Suspension Buyers Guide bcs Lowering Kit
BCSFrom adjustable air ride systems to complete bolt-in lowering kits and chassis components, BCS Suspension has it all. The company is a direct manufacturer of the highest quality air suspension custom bracketry that's been engineered and fitted for maximum lift and drop, as well as for various wheel and tire combinations. Custom-made components and bracketry are also available upon request. New dealers are welcome. For more information, contact: BCS, (250) 544-1403, www.brislands.com.

| 2003 Mini Truckin Suspension Buyers Guide air Suspension Products
FBIFender Bender International is proud to be the sole North American distributor for Blitzluft Air Suspension Products. Blitzluft's Lightning Air series of valves and air cylinders leads the market in performance and reliability with 1/2-inch ports, high-pressure handling, and the lowest prices around. Its latest release is the Model 337 compressor, a joint venture with Thomas Industries. This compressor comes with an unheard of two-year warranty against defects, and it pumps as much air as compressors that typically cost twice as much! For more information, contact: Fender Bender International, (877) FBI-MINI (324-6464), www.fbimini.com.

| 2003 Mini Truckin Suspension Buyers Guide lower Control Arms
Chassis TechLowered control arms for mini-trucks make your initial drop work right from the start. Chassis Tech offers two options to help drop most mini-trucks. Dropped control arms and dropped spindles are available for most Mazdas, Isuzus, Toyotas, Nissans, and Mitsubishis. For more information, contact: AIM Industries, (800) 682-TRUX (682-8789); Chassis Tech Wholesale,
[email protected].

| 2003 Mini Truckin Suspension Buyers Guide bag Bracket Kit
Thorbecke BrothersThe Thorbecke Brothers are now making life easier by offering a wide variety of 'bag bracket kits for your mini-truck. All of the company's brackets are made from high-grade HRPO steel and are CNC laser-cut to ensure you receive the best slam for your buck. For more information, contact: Thorbecke Brothers, (812) 782-3581, www.suicidedoors.com.

| 2003 Mini Truckin Suspension Buyers Guide bag Bracket System
KP ComponentsIf you're tired of the poor ride quality and lack of lift offered by your over-the-axle air suspension system, then KP Components has the answer. How about a completely bolt-on, triangulated four-link and cantilever 'bag bracket system for the '82-'03 GM S-Series pickups? This rear system comes complete with shocks and eliminates all of the guesswork. Engineered to work with 2,600-pound, 2,800-pound, or Slam bags, it will lay out as big as 20-inch wheels while giving you 10 to 12 inches of lift! Take the next step in upgrading your air suspension system. For more information, contact: KP Components Inc., (209) 668-4057,
[email protected].

| 2003 Mini Truckin Suspension Buyers Guide ssc Cantilever Two Link Kit
Silver Star CustomsThis is the new SSC cantilever two-link kit designed for a very simple and straightforward installation. The kit will lay 18-inch wheels with stock shocks and 20s with shorter shocks installed. This kit gets between 10 to 14 inches of lift with 2500-series airbags, and it will stay centered throughout the rearend's range of travel. It comes with everything needed for installation, including two-link bars with angled blocks, a crossbar, upper brackets, a U-bolt kit, and a step notch. For more information, contact: Silver Star Customs, (662) 342-6763, www.silverstarcustoms.com.
Suspension Sources AIM Industries (800) 842-8789 www.aimind.com Airbagit.com (800) 213-3659 www.airbagit.com Airgasm Kustomz (909) 360-9223 www.airgasmkustomz.com ARC Spring (248) 474-0910 www.arcspring.com Air Lift Company (800) 248-0892 www.airliftcompany.com Air Ride Technologies (812) 482-2932 www.ridetech.com Autobahn Wholesale Inc. (866) 897-3921 www.zmotive.com Autofab (619) 562-1740 www.autofab.com Autowerks (706) 221-2512 www.automotiveplayground.com BDS Suspension (517) 279-7404 www.bdssuspension.com Belltech (559) 445-1602 www.belltechcorp.com BCS (250) 544-1403 www.brislands.com Camburg Engineering Inc. (714) 848-8880 www.camburg.com Chassis Tech (888) 242-7385 www.chassistech.com Competition Sales (713) 686-7890 www.competitionsales.com Cool Cars - CCE (888) 266-5969 www.coolcars.org Dakota Digital (800) 593-9721 www.dakotadigital.com Dealer's Sport Truck (562) 936-1230 www.dealersportruck.com Devious Customs (909) 947-1800 www.deviouscustoms.com Diaxis Customs (877) 734-2947 www.diaxiscustoms.com Discount Airspring.com (800) 808-1760 www.discountairspring.com DJM Suspension (800) 2-DROP-IT (237-6748) www.djmsuspension.com The Edge Suspension (714) 632-3033 www.donohoeracing.com EAP (866) 3E-APART (332-7278) www.eapartsonline.com Eiback Spring Corp. (800) 507-2338 www.eibach.com Energy Suspension (949) 361-3935 www.energysuspension.com Fabtech Motorsports (877) 432-2832 www.fabtechmotorsports.com Fender Bender Intl. (877) 324-6464 www.fbimini.com Firestone Industrial Products (800) 888-0650 www.ride-rite.com Godfather Customs (800) 231-8789 www.godfathercustoms.com Hellwig Products (559) 734-7451 www.hellwigproducts.com Hotchkis Performance (877) 466-7655 www.hotchkis.net I Drag Kustoms (530) 533-3700 www.idragkustoms.com IF Customs (818) 837-3000 www.ifcustom.com Mac's Springs (800) 585-5117 www.macsspring.com Master Image Customs (714) 970-9488 www.masterimagecustoms.com Matt's Custom Auto (704) 559-1416 (no Web site) National Spring Company (619) 441-1901 (no Web site) Oasis Off Road Mfg. (888) 96-OASIS (966-2747) www.oasisoffroad.com Pacific Air Technologies (949) 855-9343 www.pacificairtechnology.com Performance Suspension (800) 572-3768 www.performancesuspension.com RevTek Industries (877) 543-8869 www.revtekindustries.com Road Master Suspension (704) 523-2646 www.roadmasteractivesuspension.com Showtime Hydraulics (800) 732-9866 www.showtimehydraulics.com SLP Engineering (248) 288-3066 www.slpeng.com Silver Star Customs (662) 342-6763 www.silverstarcustoms.com Sport Truck Direct (480) 991-4080 www.sporttruckdirect.com Stillen (888) 222-2702 www.stillen.com Street Beat Customs (602) 254-4332 www.streetbeatcustoms.com Stylin' Concepts (216) 643-6600 www.stylinconcepts.com Suicidedoors.com (812-782-3581 www.suicidedoors.com Suspension Dimension (909) 783-9115 www.suspensiondimension.com Sway Away (818) 700-9712 www.swayaway.com Total Chaos (909) 737-9682 www.chaosfab.com The Parker Store (800) 766-2524 www.parkerfastvalves.com Traders Truck Accessories (562) 692-7241 www.traders2k.com Truck Performance Center (800) 719-8100 www.truckperformance.com Truckinsuspension.com (800) 775-7150 www.truckinsuspension.com U.S. Auto Parts (888) 872-8866 www.usautoparts.com Valley Spring (707) 678-3944 (no Web site) Viair Corporation (949) 582-6868 www.viaircorp.com Wicked Kustoms (615) 231-1910 www.wickedkustoms.com