Letters To The Editor - Paper Cuts - January 2003
Laws SchmawsI am female who has recently purchased an '84 Datsun 720 mini and I would like to do some major modifications to it. Lowering it, shaving the door handles, and changing the taillights are a few of the things I'd like to do. I am not familiar with the laws in Pennsylvania. Do you know where I can find out this information?
Lisa K.
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
The internet is a wonderful tool. After doing a search at www.yahoo.com, I found a Web site containing more information on Pennsylvania law that you'll ever need. The address is www.pacode.com/index.html. This Web site has its own built-in search engine so you can find information directly rather than spending the next six months browsing the site.
Toy' on 'BagsFirst, I'd like to say that your magazine is the best. I've subscribed for years and it helps me out a lot with my truck. My question is regarding the 'bagging of my '93 Toyota mini. How can I mount the 'bags, and will the torsion bars fall out after I loosen them up? Any help you can give me would be appreciated.
Shane M.
Old Hickory, Tennessee
Once you install the airbags in the front suspension of your mini it will no longer need the torsion bars. The torsion bars are designed to support the weight of the stock front suspension. When you add the airbags they will carry the weight and the torsion bars will no longer be needed. As for mounting the 'bags, a 2500 Firestone airbag fits well between the lower control arm and an upper mount that will be welded to the outside of the framerails. The stock bumpstop mounts will need to be trimmed to provide clearance for the 'bag and you'll have to relocate the factory sway bar and strut bars.

| letters To The Editor January 2003 coil
Crooked S-10A few months ago a friend and I lowered my '98 S-10 using 3-inch drop coils up front and 3-inch lowering blocks in the rear. My truck is lower on the left side than the right side. Everyone I've talked to is puzzled as to why this would happen. If you could help me out I'd really appreciate it.
Mike D.
Clovis, California
A little known fact is that that all of the second-generation S-10s are about 1-inch lower on the driver side than the passenger side. Most spring manufacturers sell a 1-inch spacer that is installed along with the dropped spring, which cures the problem. It's weird but true. If you go back to the April '02 issue of MT, you'll find an article titled, "Mmm Drop" that covers the lowering of an S-10. On page 27, there is a photo showing the spacer you need. You can purchase this spacer from Belltech, (559) 445-0942.

| letters To The Editor January 2003 frame
Independent Hardbody Mike,
I`m looking for an independent rearend for my Nissan, and I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction. I'm looking for information on the installation, tricks, and anything else I might need.
via e-mail
If you recall Larry Echol's hammered Isuzu P'Up, it flexed a Mazda RX-7 IRS. Larry's shop, Innovative Air Suspensions, now offers a relatively simple kit to install the RX-7 rearend that includes a new rear frame clip, 'bag mounts, and hardware. Give Larry a call at (775) 846-311; he'll hook you up with all the information you need.