Basic Truck Suspension Modifications

  • Basic Truck Suspension Modifications
  • Basic Truck Suspension Modifications
  • Basic Truck Suspension Modifications
Just about everyone who owns a sport truck alters the suspension at one point in the buildup of the truck. Whether he decides to go with a mild 2/4 drop, a ground-scraping bagged and notched setup, or even a lift kit for that prerunner look, there are many things for him to consider before getting down to the business of dropping or lifting his ride. With all of the different suspension configurations available on trucks, not to mention the large number of companies that make kits for these trucks, it can get pretty confusing when you're trying to figure out the best solution for your specific application. We spoke with some of the leading manufacturers of aftermarket suspension components and got the skinny on what you need to look for when planning to alter your ride height. It's not just about getting it on the pavement; the means of getting it there safely and still maintaining a respectable ride quality are perhaps the most important aspects of changing your altitude. No matter how much you plan to lower your project, there are no completely painless ways to get it down. We recommend that you ask plenty of questions when inquiring about what system is going to work best on your particular truck. We all know the costs involved in modifying a truck, and it definitely pays to shop around, so don’t be afraid to call suppliers and ask about your options. Learn as much as you can ahead of time, and you can minimize the chances of running into problems. Check out the following sidebars to see which type of suspension project is ideal for you.