If this truck looks familiar, it's because it's the same vehicle that was in our June '09 issue. In that story, "500hp Power Stroke Upgrades," we showed readers how they could take a new 6.4L-powered Ford and break the 500hp barrier with just a tuner, intake, and exhaust. That same green '08 Super Duty is back, and it's a whole lot stronger. On the dyno, power has jumped from 511 hp and 972 lb-ft to 708 hp and 1,327 lb-ft (at the rear wheels). Quarter-mile times have dropped from mid-13-second runs to low 12s. This month, we'll focus on the power parts that made this leap possible, and next month we'll be looking at the numerous exterior and interior modifications that took this truck from stock, to rock. For now, here's how we jumped another 200 hp with some simple modifications.

| 2008 Ford Super Duty left Side Angle
Honest, It's Just A Stocker What's amazing about this truck is just how stock it is. The injection pump, injectors, turbos, and even the lift pump are all just the way they came from the factory. This leads us to wonder, if 6.4L Power Strokes can make almost 600 hp with just a tune, intake, and exhaust work (we're not counting the nitrous here), imagine what they'll be able to do with a hot rod injection pump, injectors, and upgraded turbochargers!
What About The Transmission??
If you're into diesel performance, you've probably heard time and time again that you must upgrade your vehicle's stock transmission. However, '08 to '09 6.4L-powered Super Dutys seem to be the exception to the rule. Incredibly, this truck's 708 hp was channeled to the wheels through the stock transmission and even the stock torque converter. While we're not suggesting that the transmission will last forever at these power levels, it has survived 6,000 street miles and more than a dozen dragstrip passes without so much as a hiccup. If any parts do fail, companies like Sun Coast Converters are there with parts to back up even the most hard-core enthusiast.