You've got a copy of 8-Lug Diesel Truck in your hands, so by a process of elimination, categorically, you are a gearhead, or at least an automotive enthusiast, a.k.a. truck enthusiast. So you know what makes gears and bearings and other truck stuff work: oil. We should say: clean oil. Whether we are driving backroads or city streets, dirt, soot, and other contaminants are entering the engine. Critical parts ride on a thin film of oil. It has been estimated that dirty oil can reduce the life of an engine by 60 to 80 percent!

| Ea oil filters represent a major breakthrough in filtration technology. They have the best rating in the industry, providing a filtering efficiency in accordance with industry standard ISO 4548-12 of 98.7 percent at 15 microns.
When we learned that the Amsoil Dual Remote Oil Filtration System, in combination with its full-synthetic 15-40 Heavy-Duty Diesel & Marine Motor Oil, could safely extend oil changes up to 60,000 miles and reduce filter changes to 25,000 miles, we were interested. We saw an improved way to protect the life of our engine, and at the same time, reduce our consumption of oil and the related pollution oil changes produce
Of course there are other factors to consider. Extreme conditions, like four-wheeling dusty two-tracks, reduce those mileage numbers by about half. Amsoil's technical department recommends changing the full-flow primary filter every 15,000 miles for severe-duty use, and the by-pass filter at 30,000. That still sounded good to us. We wondered where this technology originated and how this dual by-pass filter system works.
As a jet fighter squadron commander, Lieutenant Colonel Albert J. Amatuzio had ample opportunity to witness synthetic lubricants in action. These oils are used exclusively in jet engines because of three extraordinary performance characteristics: an ability to reduce friction and wear on engine components, an ability to function dependably at severe temperature extremes, and an ability to withstand rigorous and lengthy engine operation without chemical breakdown.
Recognizing these same benefits would prove invaluable in combustion engines, Amatuzio formulated the first synthetic motor oil in the world to meet API service requirements for automobile engines. The new lubricant performed like no other before it. When the first can of Amsoil 10W-40 appeared on the market in 1972, it signaled the birth of an entire industry.
Things have come a long way since then, and the move from oil to filtration systems was natural. The Amsoil Ea (Ea is Amsoil's scientific designation for Absolute Efficiency) by-pass and full-flow oil filters feature synthetic nanofiber media. Ea oil filters represent a major breakthrough in filtration technology. They have the best rating in the industry, providing a filtering efficiency in accordance with industry standard ISO 4548-12 of 98.7 percent at 15 microns. Competitive filters containing conventional cellulose medias range from 40 to 80 percent efficiency.

| The Amsoil Ea by-pass filter typically filters all the oil in the system several times an hour, so the engine continuously receives analytically clean oil.
Working in conjunction with the engine's full-flow oil filter, Amsoil Ea by-pass filters operate by filtering oil on a partial-flow basis. They draw approximately 10 percent of the oil pump's capacity at any one time and trap the extremely small, wear-causing contaminants that full-flow filters can't remove. The Amsoil Ea by-pass filter typically filters all the oil in the system several times an hour, so the engine continuously receives analytically clean oil.
An added bonus is that Ea oil filters also have significantly lower restriction than conventional cellulose media filters. Their small synthetic nanofibers trap smaller particles and hold more contaminants, resulting in lower restriction. During cold-temperature warm-up periods, an Ea filter allows the oil to flow more easily compared to a typical cellulose filter. Lower restriction decreases engine wear.
The reason Amsoil can guarantee Ea oil filters will remain effective for 25,000 miles or one year is based on the filter's capacity. This refers to the amount of contaminants it can hold and still retain its filtering ability. Amsoil claims its Ea oil filters have a far greater capacity than competing filter lines, especially when used with Amsoil synthetic motor oils in normal service. Over the life of a conventional cellulose filter, hot oil will degrade the resins that bind the media. The Ea oil filter's full-synthetic media technology is resin-free. It uses a wire screen backing that is pleated with the media for superior strength.

| Permatex thread sealant was used on all filter adapter fittings.
Ea oil filters are constructed with HNBR nitrile gaskets that are fully tested to extreme distances in severe environments. The filters also feature fully tucked seams, a molded element seal, roll-formed threads, and a long-lasting, premium-grade silicone anti-drain valve.
Ken Imler Performance Diesel in Sacramento, California, had installed many of the Amsoil Dual Remote Oil Filtration System kits in the past, and owner Ken Imler just happened to have an '02 6.6L LB7 Duramax in for the modification, so we took advantage of his experience. The kit Ken used-a BMK 27-included everything needed except the frame-mounting bracket. Several examples are shown on the Amsoil website, and there are many more variations. In fact, depending on the year of your vehicle, and the accessories-auxiliary fuel tanks, electric steps, twin turbos, etc.-every install can be a little different. The Amsoil dual by-pass kits come with a basic mounting bracket, and it can often be used in conjunction with a custom-fabricated bracket.
In the case of our '02 Chevy, the factory torsion bars created a small problem with the hoses, and the Transfer Flow auxiliary fuel tank blocked a location often used with this model truck. No problem. Ken fabricated a simple bracket that could be mounted directly to the frame, just a couple of feet from the OEM filter-an advantage because less hose is always better. This also made the filters easily accessible for service.
Once a location was determined, the holes were drilled, and the bracket was painted and ready, the installation went quickly. The factory oil filter was removed, reminding us that engineers who design horizontal oil filters probably never have to change them. The Amsoil dual remote filter adapter was screwed on and tightened to the specified torque. The design of the two-piece adapter made it easy to position the outlet port exactly where Ken wanted it.
Detailed instructions with excellent drawings covered every step of the assembly. Using the 12-foot length of high-quality 1/2-inch-diameter hose included in the kit, two short sections were assembled using the fittings provided. Due to the short distance from the OEM filter adapter to the dual filter adapter, there were no problems where abrasion could occur. Short pieces of heater hose can be slit and used for protective pads if needed.
Fittings for the adapter and the new dual filter housing were installed and torqued to Amsoil specifications. All fittings and plugs that went into metal had O-rings to assure long, leak-free operation. Permatex thread sealant was used on all filter adapter fittings. No special tools are required, but a 23/4-inch socket and a 1-inch crowfoot made torquing the adapter and fittings easier. Also, 1-inch and 11/16-inch box wrenches were used to tighten the hose fittings.
Both the Ea BP100 by-pass filter and the Ea 026 full-flow filter were filled with fresh oil and installed. For this Duramax owner, it will be nice to have a filter that remains vertical during service. No more oil running down the side of his arm.
The final step was a full oil change using Amsoil 15-40 Heavy-Duty Diesel & Marine Full Synthetic Oil. The engine was started and we checked for leaks. Depending on the length of hose on a specific application-Ford, Chevy, GMC, or Dodge-the combination of the two filters and the hose can take nearly 4 quarts of oil.

| The Amsoil dual remote filter adapter was screwed on and tightened to the torque specified in the detailed instructions.
The Amsoil by-pass filtration system is not just for diesels. The BMK 23 general-use dual remote oil by-pass unit combines full-flow and by-pass filtration on a single, easy-to-install mount for most vehicles. All installation parts, except the filter spin-on adapter, are included. You must purchase the spin-on adapter that matches the filter thread on your vehicle. Amsoil also has adapter plates for engines like the Power Stroke 6.0L that use drop-in cartridge filters. As we previously indicated, fabricating a bracket that mounts to your vehicle is the most difficult part, since the number of mounting options are wide open
It is recommended that if you are going to extend your oil changes, they be accompanied by an occasional oil analysis, available through Amsoil. A single sampling analysis is useful in providing information when critical failure conditions exist. However, trend analysis is a better tool for estimating the useful life or overall condition of your engine or equipment. Trend analysis samples are taken and analyzed at regularly scheduled intervals. Comparing the most recent analysis to previous reports on a given machine shows the development of trends. Monitoring these trends enables early detection of internal abnormalities. Tested values falling within acceptable limits may show a pattern of subtle variance, which could signal a developing problem. The optional BK13 petcock makes taking samples easy. A complimentary oil analysis comes with the dual by-pass filter kit.
Bottom line: synthetic oils are more expensive than petroleum-based lubricants. But then, if you're changing your oil every 5,000 miles, it may be false economy to use petroleum-based oils, and by the way, our diesel engines aren't exactly cheap. For many reasons, it's an easy choice to move up to the modern technology of the Amsoil dual by-pass oil filter system.