| truck Parts And Accessories diamondback Engines
CarbaliciousDiamondback Engines in Richmond, Texas, has developed a line of custom racing carburetors. These custom racing carburetors are custom built for your application, and can be powdercoated in your choice of 30 colors. Built to perform on the strip, or on the street, these carburetors are made to compete! Diamondback Engines is viewable online at

| truck Parts And Accessories silverstar Customs
SSC ArmsSilver Star Customs has hit the market with their S-10 control arms, which were designed to lay out with a 22-inch wheel. They offer a full set of both uppers and lowers, and come with Energy Suspension Polyurethane bushings and ball joints. Made from 1-1/4-inch DOM tubing, these control arms are guaranteed to be in stock and ready to ship. Orders may also be placed online. For more information, or to place an order, go to

| truck Parts And Accessories kenwood Usa
Excelon 2007Kenwood USA unveiled five new car audio amplifiers at CES 2007, with an emphasis on technology and high performance. The new models are designed for stable low impedance operation, and in some cases are stable down to 1 ohm. The KAC-9103D is a Class-D digital monaural amp with power output of 500 watts into 4 ohms-900 watts into 2 ohms, 1,800 watts maximum total power-and is stable down to 1 ohm of impedance. The new amp incorporates a Bass Boost feature for extended low-frequency response and includes a variable low-pass filter for use as a subwoofer amplifier. An optional KCA-WR10 wired remote bass boost control is also available. For more on this amplifier, or the other new Excelon series amps, visit
www.kenwoodusa.com to locate a dealer near you.

| truck Parts And Accessories irtools
Cash BackIngersoll Rand, is offering a limited time rebate of up to $90 on the new IQV Series cordless tools charger. The rebate offer is good for purchases until May 31, 2007. This device is compatible with any chemistry or voltage. The IQV charger powers the entire family of IQV Series cordless tools, including nineteen tools and six batteries. Inside of each battery is a microprocessor that talks to the IQV charger by conveying critical information, such as battery chemistry, the number of charge cycles, battery health, or condition, and more.
In addition to the rebate offer, the IQV Choice allows you the freedom to only buy what you need, when you need it. Tools, batteries, and chargers are typically sold at the same price, whether bought together or sold separately. For more information, call your local tool professional, at (800) 376-TOOL (8665), or visit