BD Diesel Performance Super B Twin Turbo Kit - The Power Of Twins
In the world of diesels, the turbo has been crowned king. In the world of BD Diesel Performance, twin turbos have overthrown the ruling monarchy. To be honest, we're rooting for the new government. We recently had the opportunity to get with Orange County Diesel as they installed a BD Diesel Performance Super "B" twin-turbo kit and Pulse exhaust manifold on an '05 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4 with a mighty Cummins diesel for power.

| BD Diesel Performance Super B Twin Turbo Kit side Angle
Our truck's owner, Brett Walker, is a bit of a power enthusiast, so the Dodge wasn't exactly stock to begin with. Luckily, he had a serious transmission built specifically to hold the power output of a nuclear generator, so the BD Diesel twin will be no sweat to deal with. Bringing us to point number one: The BD Diesel twin-turbo system will eat your factory transmission for lunch. Point number two: The kit is of a mostly bolt-on design, but the twins do not sit exactly where the OE turbo leaves and, as such, will require some cutting, welding, and/or modification of your exhaust. Plan on putting in approximately 10 hours if you're a competent mechanic and a little more if you have to read the directions a lot. That said, follow along as we watch Ruben Cuellar of Orange County Diesel lay out the install for our camera. The source box at the end of the article will guide you to those with more information.
After talking with OC Diesel owner, Noe Roman, we found out that in his booked-solid shop, twin-turbo kits are a favorite among the power-hungry and horsepower-rich. BD Diesel Performance makes upgrade turbo kits in singles and twins for the popular applications, as well as quite a few other pony-producing goodies. If you're in the Southern California area, you owe it yourself to take your diesel needs to Orange County Diesel, and for the best in diesel power entertainment, point your browser at BD Diesel Power.