Letters To The Editor - Paper Cuts - August 2006

| letters To The Editor August 2006 letter
Sometimes a letter comes through that is just too good to taint with our rewrite. Here it is for your viewing pleasure:
Dear Mini Truckin',
I saw the '95 S-10 Blazer that was turned into the Blazerado in your magazine. I think the front end conversion makes the Blazer look so much better. I was wondering if they were going to make a kit to do this so that I could convert my Blazer. If so, could you send me some info about purchasing one?
Thank you,
Steven Bastiaen
Vacaville, Ca

| letters To The Editor August 2006 chevy Front End
We wish we could give you some good news on this one, but as of right now we don't think anyone has considered the mass production of Colorado front end conversions. If you want, give Silver Star Customs a call at (662) 342-6763. They are the masterminds behind the Farva-inspired Blazerado. You can also check them out at www.silverstarcustoms.com.
My name is John and I am 17. I have a 1998 Ford Ranger Splash V6 3.0L. This is my first vehicle and I was wondering, what can I do to my truck to make it last longer and get better performance out of it?
John Foley
Via the internet
Your magazine rocks.
Hey, John. The best thing we can tell you to make your truck last longer is to properly maintain it with regular oil changes and tune-ups. Nothing can beat conventional maintenance. Any power addition will usually make your engine work harder, so there really isn't anything that will do both. To start with, simple mods like an aftermarket exhaust, air intake, and headers should get your engine breathing better.

| letters To The Editor August 2006 truck Club Emblem
Dear MT,
I am trying to find a place that makes the custom car club emblems. You know the ones that go in the back window and are used to help define the car club? They are also seen in pictures where the owner of the truck/car is holding it up. I have looked online and I can't seem to find any place that makes them. I have been in a car club for two years and we are really trying to help define ourselves as a club. All we have now are stickers on the back windows (which I hate very much). If you could please let me know of a place that we can order ours I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks Again,
Shawn Reichert
Via The Internet
Don't worry, Shawn. We have you covered. We're out here in Cali, so you know we have seen our own share of these plaques. The plaques of which you speak are usually used more in the lowrider crews but have snuck into a couple mini's here and there. The place you're going to want to hit up is Plaquewerkz. Check their website at www.plaquewerkz.com or give them a shout at (818) 252-1472.