| mini Market video Meets Leather
Video Meets LeatherRoadwire lets you pick out any one of more than 2,500 different interior patterns in 100-plus vibrant colors and textures. Roadwire dealers can quickly manufacture and ship OE-style video headrests that match the factory cloth or leather with amazing accuracy. The DVD head unit and 7-inch TFT/LCD monitors are completely contained within the headrests; all the installer has to do is replace the factory headrests with the Roadwire video headrests and run some wires. Roadwire even includes a remote control, wireless stereo headphones, a video game port, and flush-mounted screen bezels that color-coordinate with the interior.
For more information, contact: (877) 762-3873, www.roadwire.com.

| mini Market make It Shine
Make It ShineMeguiar's recently unveiled its NXT Generation All-Metal Polysh that quickly and easily cleans and polishes all metal surfaces to the highest shine possible. Advanced-engineered synthetic polymer (ESP) technology creates a safe, easy-to-use polish for all wheels, stainless-steel exhausts, chrome air intakes and valve covers, aluminum, brass, copper, silver, and all other brightwork components.
For more information, contact: www.meguiars.com, www.carcrazycentral.com.

| mini Market get Your Game On
Get Your Game OnMost of you know that you cannot go down to Wal-Mart and buy this controller and expect it to just plug into your air system. This controller is completely built from a new circuit board and new wiring controls to operate your air suspension right out of the box.
For more information, contact: (800) 862-8789, www.truckin.com.

| mini Market hei Performance
HEI PerformanceProform refined its line of HEI Racing Distributors to the next level by adding upgraded, U.S.-made coils. These high-power coils produce 50,000 volts for a consistently strong spark from off-idle through 7,500 rpm. True spark alignment creates an instantaneous response. Further, a high-performance racing curve is set at the factory; custom curves are also available.
For more information, contact: Proform, Specialty Auto Parts, Dept. MT, P.O. Box 306, Roseville, MI 48066, (586) 774-2500, www.proformparts.com.

| mini Market portable Boom
Portable BoomPolk Audio introduces the newest addition to its high-class speaker line: the db212-2. The db212-2 is two db124 12-inch subwoofers in a perfectly optimized, ported enclosure, designed to pound out awesome, apocalyptic bass. The 34x16x17-inch enclosure is fabricated from internally braced 3/4-inch MDF. Sandwiched between the front trim and underlying MDF baffle is a sheet of Elastomeric damping material that isolates the ABS trim from the baffle and acts as a sealing gasket for the 'woofer drivers. This "tri-laminate" sandwich construction prevents unwanted rattles and resonance, ensuring that the bass is as tight and musical as it is powerful.
For more information, contact: (800) 377-7655, www.polkaudio.com.

| mini Market more Air
More AirFlex-a-lite developed a new 16-inch shrouded S-blade electric fan to replace a stock belt-driven fan. The Black Magic X-TREME provides bolt-on horsepower, improved gas mileage, cooler A/C output, and extends the life of your water pump. The Black Magic X-TREME moves 3300 cubic feet per minute, draws only 18 amps, and dissipates more than 50 percent more heat than competitive 16-inch.
For more information, contact: www.flex-a-lite.com.

| mini Market hammer It Out
Hammer It OutWith the recent introduction of the Snap-on PH3050 Air Hammer, users can experience an innovative power tool that offers enhanced comfort and control features, emits less vibration, and produces maximum power. Now, Snap-on Tools Company is offering the versatile PHG3050CH4 Heavy Duty Air Hammer Set - a complementary kit that contains the air hammer along with the most frequently used accessories that pound through a variety of metals and materials.
For more information, contact your local Snap-on representative or visit www.snapon.com.

| mini Market tools On The Go
Tools On The GoFatass Racing Products has just finished prototyping some of the coolest mobile products available. We're sure you've seen motorized barstools - well here's the first look at motorized coolers or tool storage. Take your drinks or tool on the road in style.
For more information, contact: Fatass Racing Products, Dept. MT, 3625 Juanita Rd., Fort Collins, CO 80524, (970) 484-5414, or email
[email protected].