Shop & Club ListingJust in case you didn't notice it in the Draggin' Thru column a few issues ago, we're working on an updated nationwide list of shops and clubs to help people in the mini-truckin' community stay more connected with each other. For shop information, we'll need the name, the phone number and Web site, what type of work is performed, and an address. For the club info, send the name of the club, phone number, and contact information for the president. Also include number of chapters and in which states, with contact information for each respective chapter, along with any club Web sites. Please send the info to:
Shop & Club Listing
Attn: Mike Alexander
2400 E. Katella Ave., Suite 1100
Anaheim, CA 92806
(current address)
After we collect as much of this information as possible, we'll put together some guides to help you stay updated and informed. The more information we receive, the more complete the guides can be, so please send in complete information.

| paper Cuts mt Community
Huge FanHey MT,
First off I would like to say that the staff at MT is doing a great job. I've been reading Mini Truckin' since the beginning in 1988 and have seen its ups and downs over the years, but I feel it's better now than ever. I'm 31 years old and building my dream truck. It too has had its ups and downs, but the mag, along with some great friends and family, keep this lifestyle rolling for me. I sometimes look at my project and think it's crazy to be building and dumping lots of time and money into a '93 Nissan Pickup. Then, on the other hand, I would lose a part of who I am if I didn't. The other day, my 3-year-old pointed out a mini while we were driving, and my 7-year-old asked why I like mini-trucks so much. I thought about it for a second and told him that it feels great to be a part of something that's constantly changing and making history in its tracks. Also, there's just no way to describe the feeling of accomplishment when the mini you've built graces the pages of the magazine you read every month. This letter is just a big thanks for the great job. Keep up the good work.
Andrew Gubernator
Daytona Beach, Florida
Hey Andrew,This job has immeasurable rewards every single day, when readers such as you let us know how much we're appreciated. This lifestyle means a lot to everyone here on staff, and we do our very best to bring it to you with in-your-face, hard-core coverage. Some weeks, it's easier than others, but overall, it's difficult to explain how much you readers are appreciated. Without you guys building the most cutting-edge minis and constantly upping the bar for the next guy, this sport might have faded away over time. But it hasn't. We've stood the test of time, with our 20th anniversary only three years away. Thanks again, Andrew, for the kind words, and keep us updated on that Nissan.

| paper Cuts toyota Engine
Bad TimingDear Mini Truckin',
I recently purchased a '92 Toyota with the 22RE engine. I bought the truck as a project, which I plan on fixing up in time. For right now, I just want to get it running well so it can get me around reliably. The truck has more than 160,000 miles on it, but I think it still has tons of life left. The first problem I want to permanently fix is the timing. It's clicking, and I can tell that the chain is on its last leg, but the service manual doesn't give any suggested replacement maintenance intervals. I've had a timing chain bust on me before, and it wasn't a pretty picture. Should I just replace it to avoid future headaches? Are there any heavier-duty chains or parts I can use to ensure that this is the last timing ordeal I have to deal with? Any help is appreciated.
Luke Wilson
Smyrna, Tennessee
Hey Luke,
It's funny that you wrote in with this question, because we have a project '93 Toyota with the 22RE we've been using to help readers fix up their own trucks during the last several months. Since these motors have a single timing chain with plastic chain guides, it's common to be stuck on the side of the road with a busted chain and possible engine damage, bent valves, and so on. After some research, we found the perfect cure to this problem from the Toyota engine pros at LC Engineering. They have a super-heavy-duty dual-row timing chain conversion, which comes with steel chain guides and everything you need to ditch the stock timing-chain setup. If you need to have the timing chain replaced anyway, then now would be the perfect time to beef up your timing system to ensure that you don't have any major problems in the future.