Lower Power Stroke? - Readers Letters
Dear TruckTrend,
I noticed in your Sept./Oct. 2014 issue that Ford puts lower-powered diesel engines in the F-650 and F-750 trucks. Do you know if they will do this in the 3/4-ton truck so we could get better fuel mileage? Most of us don't need 400 hp and 800 lb-ft of torque.
Johnny Shelton
Morganton, North Carolina

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We certainly wouldn't hold our breath for that one. Besides being a major marketing bonus, the high power figures actually help the heavy 3/4 and 1-ton trucks achieve the fuel economy that they do. Less power would mean the engine actually has to do more work moving the truck down the road, resulting in less economy. We could talk for days on this subject, but that's the simplest explanation.
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