Shooting Your Ride Right

| chevy 3500 Photo Shoot chevy 3500
OK, we've had it with images of cool trucks that we can't run because we can hardly tell what we're looking at. The Readers' Rides segment in Sport Truck receives lots of entries, but a large number of them are unusable because the photography sucks. Don't take it personally; the photo bug doesn't usually bite truck enthusiasts (unless you happen to be at a bikini contest, then everyone seems to be a photojournalist).
In the March issue of Sport Truck, we challenged the readers to get their photography skills together. We've had little response to the challenge, so we figure we'd better try harder. If you're going to spend the time to shoot your truck and submit it to the Readers' Rides section of any magazine, it would be in your best interest to make the image appealing. In an effort to support our readers, we've decided that it's in our best interest to show you the basics when it comes to photography.
Keep your assembled presentation simple, clean, and cool. Bullet-point the products you want listed. If you have a cool story, make it short and sweet. Be prepared not to get your images back. Spend the extra cash and get your prints in 5x7-inch so the resolution will be good for print. If you have a computer, give not only a hard copy of the text but also a disk containing the text and possibly the digital image (when applicable).
When you read Readers' Rides, look at how much text is used in the edit. If your truck has a ton of modifications, make your list of mods in order of priority (put the important stuff first). Make sure you supply your name and where you live, and the vehicle's year, make, and model. These instructions will help you get your truck listed in our Readers' Rides section of the book. And who knows? It may even turn into a feature.