Q: I am happy with my '97 Ford Expedition except for the constant buzzing noise coming out of the sound-system speakers. The noise is only there with the engine running, and no one that I've taken it to can figure out how to fix it. Do you have any ideas that might help?

| 04z 1997 Ford Expedition
A: Ford has had a problem on several different vehicles, including the '97 Expedition, with the in-tank fuel pump causing a buzzing or whining sound in the speakers. If the fuel pump is the cause, the sound will vary just a little with engine speed. If the sound does vary, the problem lies elsewhere. To further confirm the noise you're dealing with is coming from the fuel pump, sit in your SUV with the radio on and the ignition in the accessory position. The fuel pump runs for about a second when the ignition is placed in the run position in order to prime the fuel injectors with fuel pressure for startup. If the buzzing from the speakers is heard for a second after turning the ignition on and then goes off, this will confirm the fuel pump is the culprit. Repair involves removal of the fuel tank to gain access to the sender assembly and fuel pump. A radio-frequency-interference filter may be installed by means of terminals, soldered splices, heat-shrink tubing, and a special bundling strap. Ford parts department should be familiar with the assortment, and the job should only be done by a trained professional. The RIF should greatly reduce the buzz.
How To Reach Alex
If you have a technical question regarding your pickup, SUV, or van, feel free to contact Alex, a master technician with the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence. Send a letter to him in care of Truck Trend Garage, 831 S. Douglas Street, El Segundo, CA 90245, or e-mail us at
[email protected]. Please include the VIN with your question. Due to the volume of questions received every month, we cannot guarantee that everyone's question will be personally answered or will appear in the magazine.
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