Auto Meter Peak Warning Elite: The World’s Best Gauges?
Gauges have remained pretty much the same since the introduction of the automobile. Sure, they’ve advanced to include different looks, digital readouts, and various sizes, but they’re still only helpful when the driver happens to be looking at them.

| Part of the reason we chose the Elite Series is the availability of 100-psi boost and 2,000-degree pyrometer gauges, which is important for those diesel enthusiasts pushing the limit of the engines (like us).
Not so with the new Peak Warning Elite Series gauges from Auto Meter. These gauges are able to signal the driver that something is amiss with a bright flashing light, have a peak recall function, and can even be used to trigger relays to activate nitrous, water injection, fans, wastegates, and more. The LED backlights are bright enough to be seen in direct sunlight, and the gauges can be programmed in seconds with the two buttons on the front.
Follow along as we install these killer instruments on our 5.9L Cummins-powered ’95 Dodge Ram, known as Project Triple Threat.