Electric-Life Power Window and Door Lock Kit - Lock & Roll
Packard introduced the first power windows (along with automotive air-conditioning systems) in the 1940 Packard 180 series. This was a hydro-electric system.

| Electric-Life’s power door lock and window kits provide everything we needed for the full power conversion. The door kit comes complete with two actuators, pull rods, keyless entry alarm and two key fobs, and all necessary wiring harnesses.
Reaching across to the passenger door to unlock it or to crank the window down is a pain in the ass. Take it from us who have had to drive around in a semi-late model truck that wasn’t purchased with all the bells and whistles. Those little extra packages cost money, man! Although the side lunge motion has turned into a quick, convenient way to get a little exercise we’d rather save the effort for the gym.
We conducted a bit of research on just how we could update functionality, and we liked what we saw in Electric-Life’s products. They offer quality power window and door lock kits with keyless entry capabilities that looked relatively easy to install. With calculator in hand, we tallied the total price for all the parts we needed to successfully pull off the full power conversion. For just over $300 and what looked to be a few hours of work, we were finally convinced that placing the order for parts would be worth every single penny. Look out drive-thrus—here we come!
Watch and take notes as the Orange County Rod and Custom crew from Anaheim, California, add a little electricity to our S-10’s caveman interior.