Rayzer RS Wide Beam Light Installation - Shedding New Light On An Old Problem

| When we received the $995 Rayzer kit, we found the light unit with its mounting bracket and carrying pouch, a radio transmitter that wirelessly activates the unit when the high beams are selected, a 12-volt adapter with power cable, and comprehensive instructions.
Coming up with one of the brightest (literally) ideas we've seen in a long time- the Rayzer RS is a one-of-a-kind, wide beam driving light invented in Europe, designed to help rally car drivers improve their nighttime driving performance. How do you provide a new spin on an old situation? The Rayzer RS is a new lighting package located inside the vehicle. A special mounting bracket holds the module tightly against the windshield and it is hardly visible from inside, positioned directly behind the rearview mirror. Compact in size but big on performance, the Rayzer RS comes into its own when the sun goes down. Wirelessly triggered by the high beam switch, the HID Xenon bulbs convert night into day. Providing three times more illumination than standard headlights, the lights in the Rayzer are rated at 3,000 hours or about five years of normal driving. Mounting was a snap. Using a docking plate that's attached to the windshield, the carbon fiber Rayzer module easily snapped in place behind the rearview mirror. Follow along while, Mike Ohren, ace electronics technician, accomplished the simple task of adding new lights and increased nighttime safety to our project truck.
From The Driver SeatInstallation was a cinch, taking only about an hour. Because of its design, the Rayzer works best on windshields with a rake of 29 degrees, plus or minus three degrees, so check yours before ordering. The soft rubber flange around the perimeter prevents any light leaks while in use. Mounted at eye level, it puts the light exactly where you need it, aided by four convenient thumb wheels that allow you to precisely aim the lights on both horizontal and vertical axes. Additional docking plates are available from the manufacturer, making it easy to share among multiple vehicles.