Neo iPod Interface Installation - Piloting The Future

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For our third and final iPod interface install, we teamed with Neo Car Audio for its Neo Pro Link unit. Neo's iPod interface incorporates many of the features of other units with unique flexibility not found on competitors units. Our test vehicle was an '04 Honda Pilot with rear DVD player. No other iPod interface manufacturer listed a unit for this application, however, Neo stated its Pro Link unit would work simply by disconnecting the rear DVD player's input from the back of the head unit. The SUV owner made a quick and easy decision and gave the Neo interface the green light. Available for many hard-to-find makes and models, Neo may be the hidden link to getting an iPod into your truck or SUV.
From The Driver SeatNeo definitely did their homework with the Pro Link iPod interface. It worked very well, the included cables and harnesses fit perfectly, and the small size made it easy to store. One of the nice features is the long cable from the radio to the interface. This allowed the interface to be installed in a remote location that its competitors could never have been mounted in. The owner rarely used the rear DVD player and the ability to listen to music in CD-like quality overruled the potential of watching movies in the back seat. The Neo Pro Link unit did have similar DIP switches to the competition, but its pre-set configuration worked with all of the iPods we tested. The Pro Link unit played through the factory radio's CD changer input. Our one complaint, the unit wouldn't work as soon as you jumped in and turned the SUV on. The iPod needed to be unplugged and replugged and the radio turned off and on again. Other than that one inconvenience, the interface worked great with the steering wheel controls and sounded awesome.
Time Spent Working: 45 Minutes
Degree Of Difficulty: Beginner
TOOLS NEEDED:Plastic panel tool/small flat screwdriver, Philips screwdriver or drill, double-sided tape
PARTS USED: Neo Car Audio Pro Link PODHONR2V2 -