There isn't one single part of your truck you come in contact with more than the steering wheel. Not only do you put your hands on it every time you drive, but you also have to look right at it. If you're happy living in Stockville, then this might not be the article for you. If you want to relocate to Customtown, upgrading the steering wheel could be first step to moving.
What's In The Box?The Revolution steering wheel is on the left, and the Classic GM wheel is on the right. The Revolution is built around a factory frame; it features all of the proper holes for controls and is available in eight different styles (black and red two-tone shown here). The Classic wheel is a replica of the 16-inch stainless wheels installed on late-'60s Camaros and Chevelles. The difference is the Grant wheel is 14.5 inches in diameter to fit the smaller confines of a truck's cab.
Back when trucks only had a horn sitting in the middle of the wheel, adding something aftermarket was pretty simple. Today's trucks not only have horns, they are loaded with other features like airbags and radio controls. Adding a custom wheel to a late-model truck usually meant you had to give up the safety and convenience equipment just to add some style.
Thanks to Grant Products, those problems are a thing of the past with the company's new Revolution steering wheels. Revolution wheels start with the same framework the factory uses, and then Grant adds some new shapes and covers all while retaining the factory airbag and switches. Grant offers eight different styles in the Revolution line with more to come, all with OEM-quality leather and contrasting details like silver, burl wood, and perforated leather. For non-airbag-equipped trucks, the choices become almost endless with over 200 styles in the catalog. Grant has been making aftermarket wheels since 1962, so the company has had a lot of time to come up with some killer designs. (On a side note, did you know that Grant made motorcycle helmets? The company even created the American flag helmet worn by Peter Fonda in the movie Easy Rider.)
Since the Revolution is a new wheel and there are a bunch of new designs for classic trucks, we decided to show you both ends of the spectrum. I personally threw a wheel on my S-10 from the Classic line that resembles the stainless wheels which came in some Camaros and Chevelles. I also shot the installation of a Revolution wheel on my buddy Ross's brand-new Chevy. Check out the steps it takes to put a custom steering wheel on just about any truck. Make sure to visit Grant's website to see if there is a wheel that would fit your project. Considering that there are so many options, you're bound to find something.

| grant Steering Wheels stock Wheel
Part One: Revolution Install
Viva La Revolution!On the left is what the Revolution wheel will replace. While the stock unit is chock-full of safety and creature comforts, it is devoid of anything that could be considered custom. In the past, you would have to lose the airbag if you wanted a custom wheel, or you had to pay a premium at an upholstery shop to have it recovered. The Grant Revolution maintains the use of the stock stereo controls right on the steering wheel.
Part Two: Classic Stainless Install1. For the classic truck part of this story, I'll be removing the Chevette wheel I got from the junkyard and replacing it with something much nicer. To start, I had to remove the horn button and its assembly by removing the three screws. Then, I used a puller to pop the wheel from the column (inset). Since I've changed the steering wheel before, I already had a mark on the column. If this is your first time, make sure to straighten the wheel and mark the steering shaft.
The Final WordNo matter if you have a classic truck or a brand-new one right off the lot, Grant has the wheel to up your cool. What's nice about these wheels is all of the factory functionality is retained. If all you have is a horn, any number of wheels Grant offers should work just fine for your truck. If you have an airbag-equipped steering wheel with a bunch of buttons on it, check out the Revolution series for a custom upgrade.