| mini Market phlat Out
Phlat-Out Full-Contact CoveragePhlat Out Video magazine wows us with its fifth issue of the mini-truck lifestyle. This issue covers four shows nationwide, including Assorted's Showfest in Mississippi and Forbidden Fantasy's Show-N-Shine in Cali, offers a shop tour with R.A.W., and has vehicle features as told by the owners themselves, along with action footage. Suggested retail is $19.95 and dealers are welcome. For more information, check out www.phlatoutmag.com.

| mini Market viair Leader Hoe
Follow the LeaderThere is no sense in your truck breaking down because of a cut air line. Avoid the avoidable with Viair's leader hose with built in check valve. This leader hose will pass through steel panels with ease, without the danger of being cut. These 24-inch-long, 3/8-inch stainless-steel leader hoses (part number 92791) come complete with a swivel (for ease of installation) as well as a check valve to further protect your pneumatic investment. For more information, contact Viair Corporation, (949) 582-6868, www.viaircorp.com.

| mini Market polk Audio Compaxial
Can't Polk Fun at ThisPolk Audio introduces its Signature Reference "Compaxial" System. This is a two-way speaker that may be used in either coaxial or separate component mode. The new speaker system offers the best performance and flexibility, and fit in Polk's near-20-year history of mobile loudspeaker design. For more information, check out www.polkaudio.com

| mini Market kustomz Ink Klothing
Kustom ApparelKustomz Ink Klothing is proud to announce its new line of mini-trucker threadz. There are four styles available, as well as stuff for your girl. Screen-printing and embroidery are also available for clubs and shops. To see examples of the work and current styles, check out www.kustomzink.com.