Every year, tens of thousands of people flock from all over the world to the Las Vegas Convention Center for the Specialty Equipment Market Association Show, better known as SEMA. More than anything, this annual show is the biggest automotive and aftermarket trade show in the world, where thousands of automotive companies debut their latest and greatest products for potential builders, buyers, and retailers. In 2004, we scoured more than 2 million square feet of exhibits, booths, and vehicles to bring home some of the coolest products for mini-truckers nationwide to consider.
If you were a little disappointed with what Santa left under your tree, don't despair. It's not too late to take back those sweaters, socks, and dental-hygiene gadgets, and get what you really wanted. Pick up a new toolbox to complement your new garage storage units, or the most advanced new welders, or some of the hottest apparel and accessories. There's a little bit of everything for the most hard-core mini-trucker out there in our 2005 SEMA product section.
We wanted to bring you the absolute best products at the show in one easy-to-use wish list so Santa won't be confused next time, and you'll actually get something you wanted. So go ahead, don't be afraid to tear out these pages, circle the stuff you can't live without, and send them to every single person who gave you the shaft on gifts. For more information, contact the companies we've included.

| new Sema Products ultimate Versatility
Ultimate VersatilityMiller brought out its new Millermatic DVI All-in-One MIG welder, which features Miller's new, exclusive Multivoltage Input Power Cord. This allows the machine to have the option of connecting to both 115- and 230-volt power receptacles. In addition, Miller's exclusive MVP (multivoltage plug) power cord adapters offer ease of use by eliminating the need for additional tools to change jumper links. For more information, contact: Miller Electric Mfg. Co., Dept. MT, P.O. Box 100, Lithonia, GA 30058, (800) 426-4553, www.millerwelds.com.

| new Sema Products colorado Air
Colorado AirDrop the front of your '04 Colorado by as much as 4 inches with Chassis Tech's new Colorado AirStrut. No welding is required because the new AirStrut replaces your factory coilover-strut front suspension. For more information, contact: Chassis Tech, Dept. MT, 260 S. Hibbert, Mesa, AZ 85210, (800) 437-6748, www.chassistech.com.

| new Sema Products get Your Cool On
Get Your Cool OnFlex-a-Lite's new radiators are equipped with universal mounting-system side tanks, providing adjustable mounting for electric fans, coolers, and so on. The radiator tanks include internal fins for improved heat transfer. Six popular styles cover the majority of available applications. For more information, contact: Flex-A-Lite, Dept. MT, 7213 45th St., Ct. E., Fife, WA 98424, (800) 851-1510, www.flex-a-lite.com.

| new Sema Products three Piece Boyd
Three-Piece BoydBoyd Coddington brought out its new three-piece wheel line, available for 18- to 26-inch wheels. This new line offers a variety of custom finishes, including anodized, chromed, polished, powdercoated, or any combination thereof. The forged three-piece wheel is built with style and performance in mind. For more information, contact: Boyd Coddington, Dept. MT, 861 A E. Lambert St., La Habra, CA 90631, (562) 697-1470, www.boydcoddington.com.

| new Sema Products auto Air Pearls
Auto-Air PearlsThe world's leading water-based paint system has been expanded to include new translucent pearls. Auto-Air Colors brought out its new line of translucent pearls to show the benefit to both the custom airbrusher and automotive enthusiast. For more information, contact: Auto-Air Colors, Dept. MT, 14 Airport Park Rd., East Granby, CT 06026, (800) 509-6563, www.autoaircolors.com.

| new Sema Products all In One
All-In-OneEclipse introduced its brand-new AVN 2454 Audio Video Navigation unit. This is the only double-DIN all-in-one unit that doesn't require a separate ECU (hide-a-box) unit. The AVN 2454 mounts in a factory double-DIN instrument panel opening for a factory fit and finish and uses a 6-1/2-inch TFT touch-panel display for ultimate driver convenience. For more information, contact: Eclipse, (310) 327-2151, www.eclipse-web.com.

| new Sema Products serious Bass
Serious BassLivin' Loud reaches new extremes with Kicker's most powerful amplifier ever. Specifically tuned for ultimate sub-bass performance, the ultra-efficient Class D design delivers a rock-solid 2,500 watts. For more information, contact: Kicker, Dept. MT, 5021 N. Perkins Rd., Stillwater, OK 74075, (405) 624-8510, www.kicker.com.

| new Sema Products nordskog
How Fast, Officer?Nordskog Performance displayed its new GPS speedometer with trip meter and odometer. No calibration is required, so it'll work on any vehicle, regardless of tire size, axle ratio, or transmission, giving you unlimited applications. For more information, contact: Nordskog Performance Products, Dept. MT, 1120 Yarnell Pl., Oxnard, CA 93033, (805) 483-2411, www.nordskogperformance.net.

| new Sema Products innovative Storage
Innovative StorageSteelHead Design, the originators in stainless tool storage, displayed its newest toolchest design in the HammerHead line. The FX model is a great addition for the industry professional or hobbyist in search of the highest-quality heavy-duty roller storage unit. The FX is 41 inches wide and built with 18-gauge type-304 stainless steel. The FX features full-extension ball bearing slides and top-quality casters, which enable the box to roll smoothly, even when fully loaded. For more information, contact: SteelHead Design Inc., Dept. MT, 1400 N. Johnson Ave., Ste. 105, El Cajon, CA 92020, (800) 261-0761, www.hammerhead.bz.

| new Sema Products hydroboost
HydroboostTake advantage of something hot rodders have been doing for years. Using Power Brake Service's new Hydroboost unit, you can eliminate the need for bulky brake boosters. The Hydroboost is run from the power-steering pump, requires no vacuum, and has a 2,000-psi output potential. For more information, contact: Power Brake Service, Dept. MT, 1701 Fashion Ave., Long Beach, CA 90813, (562) 436-4111.

| new Sema Products good Lookin Brakes
Good-Lookin' BrakesBaer Brakes has introduced its new DecelaRotors, which provide the finishing touch for all custom exterior upgrades on mini-trucks. The slotted and drilled zinc-plated rotors provide brilliant visual appeal and superior braking performance compared with stock rotors. For more information, contact: Baer Brake Systems, Dept. MT, 3108 W. Thomas Rd. Ste. 1201, Phoenix, AZ 85017, (602) 233-1411, www.baer.com.

| new Sema Products high Pressure Bag
High-Pressure 'BagMac's Springs' new 4Ply airbags feature single or dual 1/2- or 3/4-inch ports, steel caps crimped for maximum durability, a heavy-duty steel center ring, and a superior rubber bellow design to handle the most extreme custom air-ride system. With high-pressure ratings of more than 300 psi, these 'bags are designed for long life, extraordinary ride comfort, and corrosion resistance. For more information contact: Ultimate Products/Mac's Springs, Dept. MT, 4201 S. Market Ct., Ste. A, Sacramento, CA 95834, (916) 920-3220, www.ultimateproductcorp.com.

| new Sema Products custom Steering Wheels
Custom Steering WheelsThese new CNC-forged custom-designed billet steering wheels are Chassis Tech's latest designs to complement its full line of interior accessories. For more information, contact: Chassis Tech, Dept. MT, 260 S. Hibbert, Mesa, AZ 85210, (480) 668-5448, www.chassistech.com.

| new Sema Products electric Tilt
Electric TiltThis laser-cut all-stainless tilt column from Flaming River Industries electronically telescopes, with a built-in memory circuit for two driver positions. Precision piston-drive linear motion allows for 2 inches of adjustability and maximum driver comfort. For more information, contact: Flaming River Industries Inc., Dept. MT, 800 Poertner Dr., Berea, OH 44017, (800) 684-8022, www.flamingriver.com.

| new Sema Products superior Control
Superior ControlDakota Digital brought out its newest adjustable air system, the ARC-2000. This height-based air-ride controller monitors actual vehicle height and contains three automatic presets to adjust the vehicle to predetermined, preset levels. This compact unit also features fully adjustable manual height control and monitors the psi air levels in all four 'bags with a digital display. For more information, contact: Dakota Digital Inc, Dept. MT, 4510 W. 61st St. N., Sioux Falls, SD 57107, (800) 852-3228, www.dakotadigital.com.

| new Sema Products big Wheel Hot Rod Booster
Big-Wheel Hot Rod BoosterMB Marketing designs and produces polished 7-inch dual-diaphragm stainless-steel power-brake boosters and master cylinders designed with mini-truckers in mind. The boosters give you the room needed to body-drop your truck with big wheels, without sacrificing the braking capability you expect. For more information, contact: MB Marketing and Manufacturing, Dept. MT, 27 Mulvaney St., Asheville, NC 28803, (828) 285-0882, www.mbmbrakeboosters.com.

| new Sema Products pick Your Color
Pick Your ColorNordskog displayed its new color-assorted digital gauges, which offer customizers a variety of colors for digital instrumentation. Offered applications include speedometer, tachometer, voltmeter, oil pressure, water temperature, fuel pressure, and more. For more information, contact: Nordskog Performance Products, Dept. MT, 1120 Yarnell Pl., Oxnard, CA 93033, (805) 483-2411, www.nordskogperformance.net.

| new Sema Products flamethrower
FlamethrowerAutoLc's new Exhaust Flamethrower Kit can make flames as long as 20 feet shoot out your exhaust on command. Easy installation and detailed instructions ensure compatibility with most exhaust systems. The kit includes a control box, activation button, wire loom, and wire diagram. For more information, contact: The Hoffman Group, Dept. MT, 11981 SW. Pacific Hwy., Tigard, OR 97223, (800) 873-4038, www.autoloc.com.

| new Sema Products customized Storage
Customized StorageMetal Line Cabinet Systems brought out its new line of heavy-duty all-steel storage cabinets, which are sure to make your garage as nice as your truck. The cabinets are as flexible as your garage and can be custom-designed to your specifications with numerous size and powdercoating options. For more information, contact: Metal Line Cabinet Systems, Dept. MT, 1005 E. Orangethorpe, Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 255-8211, www.metallinecabinets.com.

| new Sema Products 18s All The Way Around
18s All The Way AroundColorado Custom introduced new steering-wheel sizes that were as large as 18 inches. For those who like everything bigger and better, these steering wheels are the perfect addition to any custom interior. For more information, contact: Colorado Custom, (877) 805-0659, www.coloradocustom.com.

| new Sema Products styling Timepiece
Styling TimepieceVault wheels introduced an innovation in timepieces to get you where you're going on time, every time. It has designed a stylish designer watch that has a custom wheel face. This watch was designed specifically for the custom-performance enthusiast. For more information, contact: Vault Wheels, Dept. MT, 980 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11238, (718) 783-1900, www.vaultwheels.com.

| new Sema Products custom Dash Bezels
Custom Dash BezelsMotor Head Jewelry introduced its new chromed gauge surround for '32 dash styling, featuring a classic rodder design with a black-pearl background (various backgrounds available). This bezel accepts 2-1/8-inch side gauges and variable-size center gauges. For more information, contact: Motor Head Jewelry, Dept. MT, P.O. Box 6474, Louisville, KY 40206, (502) 899-9760, www.motorheadjewelry.com.

| new Sema Products push Of A Button
Push Of A ButtonDakota Digital's new 10-function remote entry system includes two six-button transmitters, with external antennas for increased range. The 10-function system also includes internal and external relays to control various functions, from shaved-door-handle pops to your air system. For more information, contact: Dakota Digital Inc., Dept. MT, 4510 W. 61st St. N., Sioux Falls, SD 57107, (800) 852-3228, www.dakotadigital.com.