Accele Security System Install on a Toyota Tacoma - Protect Your Baby

| accele Security System secure Truck
Alarms aren't a new thing. They're known for making a lot of noise if someone tampers with you ride. But another function that most alarms have is the ability to put your truck on lockdown at the push of a button. If your truck already has a factory-installed alarm, then you know how convenient it is to lock and unlock the truck without the key. If you don't, then you're in the same boat we were in with one of our project trucks. Our little supercharged Tacoma didn't come with any kind of keyless entry system, but the truck does have power windows and locks. We thought it was time to lock it up with one button and add a few nice features to boot. We got on the horn with our local Circuit City and told the guys there what we were after: Lock the doors, roll up the windows, and disable the ignition in one fatal swoop. For this task, we brought Circuit City Accele's AS36 security system and WR2 power window control module. The AS36 will lock the doors, disable the ignition, and sound an alarm if someone tampers with the truck. The brain for the system also has the ability to work a few more accessories that work off an electrical signal, such as remote start, door poppers, or power windows. We were most concerned with rolling up the windows when we hit the key fob, so that's why we needed the WR2 module. It will take the signal from the AS36 and roll the windows up once armed.
We pulled the truck in the bay at the Buena Park, California, Circuit City and met Brandon Smith, the road shop manager and all-around electrical guru. He showed us the parts and proceeded to prep the truck for the install by covering the seats and carpet. The install was pretty involved, requiring some of the truck's harness to be spliced, and a few specialty tools helped out a lot. Once he was finished with the truck, Brandon keyed us in on a cool feature about having it done at Circuit City: If you happen to be on a long haul and for some reason the alarm acts up, you can go to any Circuit City and have it checked for no extra cost.