Webasto Power Slider Install - Let The Sun Shine In
Sliding ragtops have been a really popular way to let the sun shine in since the late '60s and a minitrucker staple since the early '90s.

| 2000 Chevy S10 Blazer Webasto Power Slider webasto Sunroof
But over the years, manufacturers have come and gone, leaving only two options: custom-built sliding ragtops and one-size electric sliders. Our project truck, a 2000 S-10 Blazer two-door, is the perfect candidate for the Webasto Hollandia 400 power-folding sunroof, and the size fits the truck nicely. This particular ragtop has three different settings: full open, halfway, and just vented, making it versatile as well as functional. Plus, it's a one-touch system, so cranking back the roof takes a quick touch of a button and the rest is automated. Overall, it takes a few hours to put in one of these bad boys, but the results are well worth the time and effort. For more information, contact the companies listed in the source box.