1997 Ford F350 Buildup - Increasing Your Range

| 1997 Ford F350 Buildup refueling Tank
The most important upgrade a tow vehicle needs is more fuel capacity. After all, fuel mileage can be cut in half, depending on how much weight you're towing. Whether you're towing heavy, or refueling equipment or a friend's truck, you don't want to go back into town to top off your factory tank, so having extra fuel on board is a necessity. This brings us to our '97 Power Stroke towing rig buildup. Although the truck already had two fuel tanks that when combined, could hold approximately 35 gallons of diesel, we wanted to double the amount of fuel onboard. In addition, we also wanted to have enough room for all of our tools.
For utmost versatility, we contacted Transfer Flow for one of its toolbox and fuel tank combos. Transfer Flow sent us one of its 30-gallon toolbox and refueling pump systems (PN 080-01-12975), which would not only give us the option to shop around for the best diesel price, but at 17 1/2 inches x 19 1/2 inches, we wouldn't sacrifice much bed space either. Courtesy of some very detailed instructions, our Transfer Flow system basically installed itself in less than two hours.