2006 Dodge Ram Power Step Installation - Power Step

| 2006 Dodge Ram Power Step Installation amp Research Power Step
Want versus need. It's the age-old debate that during these tough economic times seems to be quite the hot topic of conversation. Whether it's the latest techno gadget or a cheesy set of fuzzy dice to hang from your rearview mirror, trying to justify your next upgrade might be a tad tougher than it used to be. For the most part, aftermarket modifications should be an improvement to your ride, but as many of us have learned, a modification does not always equal an upgrade. While it can be a bit difficult to categorize any add-on as a necessity, the Power Steps from AMP Research just might be the one product you'll never want to live without.
From those with a more gravity-enriched physique to those who like their trucks sky-high, AMP's retractable Power Steps can transform that everyday gymnastics feat of jumping in and out of your truck into a more seamless transition. Engineered to drop down 6 to 7 inches below the kick panel and retract neatly beneath your truck, the steps boost occupant access tremendously, in addition to increasing the ground clearance over traditional running boards.
Much like the first time you found the magic of an electronic trailer brake controller or set out on a highway adventure leaving your trust in a computerized navigation device that strangely knows your city far better than you ever will-the retractable Power Steps from AMP Research are designed to make your life just a touch better.
Using an '06 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4 for the install, we headed down to AMP Research's headquarters in Irvine, California, to get the inside track and tips for bolting on the retractable running boards. Engineered with high quality parts and installed in a little more than three hours, they are without a doubt one of best upgrades that every person to step foot into your truck will enjoy and appreciate. So if you are ready to AMP up your ride, check them out at www.amp-research.com.