Hard Water Spot Remover - Spot Clean - Web Exclusive

| 1. Removing the hard water spot from the glass took some work but they came off in the end.
During the initial clean up of my S-10 I noticed that all the glass was covered in hard water spots. None of the normal glass cleaners in my detailing arsenal would even make a dent to these crusty boogers. I even tried to scrape them off with a single edge razor blade, with no luck. I have heard you can use a distilled white vinegar and water solution to get them off but I'm not sure what that might do to my paint if it got on there. Instead of taking a chance and messing up my paint I decided to use something a little more aggressive than glass cleaner but something that would still be safe on paint, Meguiar's Medium-Cut Cleaner. I had no idea if it would scratch my glass, but if it did I could get one from the junkyard. Well I didn't have to got to the boneyard after all because the compound worked and the spots and gone.
WHAT IS A HARD WATER SPOT? Hard water has microscopic particles of stuff like calcium, lime and iron. When the water evaporates back into the air those little things stay behind and create a spot. The longer they stay on the glass, the more difficult they are to remove.
Meguiar's Inc., 17991 Mitchell South
Irvine, CA 92614
(800) 347-5700
Stoner Inc.,1070 Robert Fulton Hwy
Quarryville, PA 17566
(800) 227-5538