Off Road Unlimited Roof Rack - Ford Super Duty Storage

| off Road Unlimited Roof Rack ford F350 Super Duty Front Angle
Everybody in!" you shout as you and your friends pile into the truck. The camper trailer is hitched to your fifth-wheel, and there just doesn't seem to be enough room left in the bed for your ice chest, camping supplies, grill, and other miscellaneous items that make for a fun time. Well, your bed isn't the only place you can store what you need, and we'll show you how the top of your truck can be a useful storage space with the addition of a Defender roof rack made by Off Road Unlimited in Burbank, California. Now you can have all the room you need for supplies, and the roof rack is even sturdy enough to handle heavy items like wheels and tires. Follow along as we add a second bed to the top of a desert-ready Super Duty.