Spectra Chrome - Chrome The Easy Way

| spectra Chrome grave Digger
Chrome is one of our favorite colors. The shiny reflective coating can make or break a show truck and really adds personality to a daily driver. Chroming items for your rig; however, can be an expensive and time-consuming ordeal, depending on the resources available in your area. We know of one way that is less expensive and faster than dropping off your parts to an environmentally unfriendly chromer, it's called Spectra Chrome. This Florida based company specializes in coating aluminum, metals, plastic, glass, and even wood in a three-step process that adds real metal to the surface and lays a reflective film over the basecoat. Once the second stage is cured, the part is covered in a clear durable topcoat that acts as a clearcoat. A great bonus to the Spectra Chrome system is the portability of the spray unit. The possibilities for your truck are endless. Does a chrome dash sound cool, or how about those beat-up wheels that need a new coat of chrome?
When we heard one of our favorite monster trucks, Grave Digger, was teaming up with Spectra Chrome for a one-of-a-kind body and paint scheme for the '07 Monster Jam Finals in Las Vegas, we couldn't wait to check out the cool process. What started out as a unique idea, turned into a gorgeous spectacle of automotive engineering. Check out how Spectra Chrome created the coolest Grave Digger to date.