2004 Chevy Silverado - Webasto Grand View Sunroof

| 2004 Chevy Silverado sunroof Open
We have done tech articles at Webasto before, but this was the first time where we really took advantage of their expertise. We had wanted to install one of its GrandView sunroofs in our Project Sinatra F-150, but its factory sunroof posed a problem, so we looked for another viable candidate. When we came across an '04 Silverado Crew Cab, we thought we were onto something, but its factory headliner was filled with odd contours to fit around the roof's bracing. We were a little skeptical that it was possible to make such a huge sunroof look like a factory install, considering the shape of the headliner. But after watching Ramn transform the truck in one day, we had learned the secret: experience. Ramn has been installing sunroofs for longer than some of us have been alive, so he made it look easy. Check out the install to get a view that's second only to a convertible.

| From above, with the roof open, you get a feeling for how big the sunroof is.
From The Driver Seat:The owner of the truck was thrilled with the quality of the install, and we were impressed with the speed of the install. It's amazing what 34 years of experience can do. The new roof allows both front and rear passengers to get a great view, and the four retractable sun shades allow the amount of light coming into the cab to be tailored for each passenger. The owner reports that even with the roof open, the air deflector keeps the interior very quiet. There were no regrets on this installation!
YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED: Time Spent Working: 8 Hours Degree of Difficulty: Advanced Parts Used: Hollandia 524 GrandView Panoramic Sunroof Total: $1,499 (Including labor)