Chevy Silverado - Swinging Away From the Norm

| Before any mods had been performed, the doors opened traditional style and didn't have the custom appeal the owner wanted on his truck.
There's no doubt about it, the first impression makes a lasting memory for whoever sees your truck. Whether it be airing out the truck when you arrive at the hang-out spot or showing up with bass blasting, a surefire way of getting noticed is opening your door and having it swing wide, suicide style. This old-skool hot-rod mod is still as hot today as it ever was, and it has not lost any steam-unlike other here-today, gone-tomorrow body mods. Many companies sell suicide door kits, but unfortunately, many of them either do not line up properly or are not strong enough to support a fullsize door. Most kits do require a good amount of bodywork knowledge and welding is always required. We contacted Jeff Johnson, from Jeff's Body Shop in England, Arkansas, who just so happened to have a customer's truck coming in for a suicide door installation. It took roughly 80 hours of professional labor, but the end result was worth every minute. Check out the following story as Jeff and his partner, Randy, went to work to install the AutoLoc hinges and latches.
YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED: Time Spent Working: {{{80}}} hours Degree of Difficulty: Advanced Tools Needed: Plasma cutter, welder, basic handtools, measuring tape, and Bondo PARTS USED: AutoLoc two-door individual hidden hinge system HDINS $399 AutoLoc Large Bear Claw latch system BCINST $49 Total Cost: $448 (Not including tax or labor)