How to Pinstripe - Pinstriping With Steve Deman

| custom Pinstriping Designs pinstriping
One trend that never really went away, but is now more in the spotlight than ever before, is pinstriping. Cool patterns are finding their way onto everything, from the hood of a truck all the way to the shop toilet seat - nothing is safe from the lines of a mad striper. Being the mini-truckers we are and wanting to learn how to do everything ourselves, we hooked up with one of the most talented painter/pinstripers we know: Steve Deman. Steve's work has been featured in just about every automotive-enthusiast magazine out there, and now he is starting a school of custom painting called Kolor Kings. After a little begging, he agreed to give us a one-on-one class on how to pull lines.
If you're interested in attending a class, check out the Web site for appointments and scheduling. The following story will give you the basics to get going. And just like most things worth doing, what it really takes to be a good striper is practice, practice, and more practice.