We thought that it would be appropriate in our Paint and Body issue to take a little trip back in time and revisit several of the trucks that have not only graced the pages of Sport Truck since the turn of the century, but impacted the custom-truck scene with their paint schemes. Much like any other art form, certain trucks tend to influence the way that others build their rides. Many details such as wheels can be directly copied. However, the cool kids on the block never completely duplicate a paintjob - they just pull ideas and elements from existing paint schemes.
It's natural to emulate something you like, though. How many of us tied makeshift capes around our necks and attempted to fly like Superman? Exactly. So, sit back, relax, and give a courtesy flush if you happen to be on the throne because this will be as much fun as jumping off the roof, only we won't be rushing you to the emergency room afterwards.

| 1998 Ford F150 right Side View
David Shulman | '98 Ford F-150Painted by: Rhodes Auto Works
David's body-dropped F-150 is a prime example of not only symmetry in design, but a well-executed flow of graphic elements. Anthony at RAW used House of Kolor's Cinnamon Pearl as a base and then built off of that, creating sweeping lines, skulls, and a hand-drawn alligator pattern.

| 2002 Chevy Silverado left Side View
Eric Dunaway | '02 Chevy SilveradoPainted by: Rich Thayer
Eric Dunaway's body-dropped Silverado features a tribal swiss-cheese graphic laid over House of Kolor's Dime Time Green flames with devil tips. The graphics not only find their way around the outside of Eric's truck, but flow through the door panels and jambs as well. The rear of the truck features LED brake lights that reside perfectly flush buried beneath the graphics.

| 1999 Gmc Truck rear Right View
Jay Martinez | '99 GMC Extended CabPainted by: The Hot Rod Shop
Jay Martinez GMC not only features a molded Avalanche front clip, but it also serves as the canvas for a great flame job laid out by Kool Hand Luke of The Hot Rod Shop. House of Kolor's Tangelo was sprayed within each of the licks and pinstriped using yellow. Within the flames are circular accents that were airbrushed using red pigments.

| 1990 Chevy Truck front Left View
Carlos Botello | '90 Chevy standard cabPainted by: Starbucks Customs
Carlos knew that he wanted flames on his truck, but he was looking for something a little different. Justin from Starbucks Customs hooked him up with a fresh idea of realistic House of Kolor's Cobalt Blue flames with violet-candy accents. Although flames have been a staple of the custom community for decades, Starbucks unique take on them has given many people a fresh take on a classic idea.

| 1990 Chevy Truck 1999 Chevy Dualie left Side View
Jason Robichaux | '99 Chevy dualiePainted by: Full Blown
Jason's dualie is a wild mix of designs that literally engulfs the entire truck. Every inch of this truck from the floorboards to the dash to the custom center console have seen untold man-hours of work by Joel of Full Blown. House of Kolor's Deep Purple was used as a base and then a horde of pigments was sprayed on the Chevy canvas.

| 1990 Chevy Truck 2000 Chevy S10 left Side View
Brian Hale | '00 Chevy S-10Painted by: Classic Traditions
Brian Hale's S-10 is covered from head to tail with traditional flames that are dusted with about 10 pounds of flake. Jared Crutchfield of Classic Traditions shot Yellow Lime and House of Kolor's Pagan Gold over the red-candy base and then had Dan Schultz pinstripe and airbrush two pinup-style girls on the rear pillars.

| 2003 Chevy Silverado rear Right View
Brian Reaves | '03 SilveradoPainted by: The Painters Shak
When it comes to daily drivers, Brain Reaves' Silverado is a perfect example of someone who isn't afraid to roll through town on a day-to-day basis with a full-custom paint job. The scheme itself is basically a two-tone yellow and orange with a flame split and a whole lot of airbrushing. Mike from The Painters Shak started with the stock yellow and added purple flames with iron crosses, then interrupted them with orange and gray sweeps of color.

| 2001 Gmc Sierra rear Left View
Eric Engle | '01 GMC SierraPainted by: Steve Vandemon
Naturally, a fire fighter would need a flamed truck, so when Eric Engle needed to set his truck ablaze he called up Steve Vandemon. Using House of Kolor's pearls and Prism flake Steve laid out a set of positive licks from the nose to the taillights. A second set of negative flames was then added using House of Kolor's Red Pearl.