| new Products Issue 8 gargoyles Sunglasses
Balancing Act
Who: Gargoyles Sunglasses
What: Balance
Why: Terminator rocked Gargoyles … you should too!
Where: www.gargoyleseyewear.com; (800) 426-6396

| new Products Issue 8 scotts Hot Rod Chevy C10 Frontend
C10 Frontend Done Right
Who: Scott's Hot Rods
What: IFS front kit for '60-'87 C10
Why: Replace your worn-out front suspension with a bolt-on kit
Where: www.scottshotrods.com; (805) 485-0382

| new Products Issue 8 volant Throttle Body Spacer
Inexpensive Ponies
Who: Volant
What: Throttle-body spacer
Why: We all want more power and mpg
Where: www.volant.com; (909) 481-3888

| new Products Issue 8 meguiars Ultimate Wash And Wax Spray
Wax On, Wax Off
Who: Meguiar's
What: Ultimate Wash & Wax
Why: You always want a fresh ride, but don't always have time to wash it
Where: www.meguiars.com; (800) 347-5700

| new Products Issue 8 the Grey Blu Ray
Just Add Popcorn
Who: The Grey
What: Blu-ray and DVD
Why: Plane crash, survival in Alaska, wolves, What else could you want?
Where: On sale May 22; www.thegreythemovie.com

| new Products Issue 8 ready Ramp And Bed Extender
Bend With Your Knees
Who: Ready Ramp
What: Loading ramp and bed extender
Why: Easier loading and increased bed space
Where: www.readyramp.com; (866) 279-1977