Product Spotlight: Monstaliner Roll-On Bedliner
Every truck guy knows about drop-in and spray-in bedliners, but what about the roll-on variety? Monstaliner touts itself as a do-it-yourself, roll-on bedliner that won’t cost an arm and a leg.

| Monstaliner 1 Gal Kit
There are certain hurdles that face roll-on-style bedliners, but Monstaliner asserts it has done its chemistry homework. The ceramic-reinforced liner doesn’t contain ground tire rubber and the compound adheres to the truck bed uniformly and consistently when applied. With enough compound, the liner can reach depths of 0.04 inch after two thick coats. It’s colored black (additional colors coming) and has an eight-hour pot life so DIY-ers won’t need to rush (too much) if they find themselves unsure of their abilities.
After rolling on, Monstaliner should be given eight hours to dry before driving again. Three days should be allotted prior to light use, and seven days should be given before putting the bed to full use.

| Monstaliner Tailgate