Product SpotLight: Egge Machine Mid-Late 50s Ford Truck 223ci Pistons And Engine Kit
If you're rebuilding or restoring your old Ford truck, you might want to check out Egge Machine and Speed Shop engine kits for the venerable Ford 223 6 cylinder truck engine. They offer two kits depending on your years application needs. The differences between the 1954 and the 1955-60 kits are the oil pump and camshaft. There are two camshafts available and are interchangeable between the kits. The 1954-55 camshaft has a slightly different lobe and duration to the 1956-60 cam. The Egge L2035 piston features steel supported pin bosses, a flat design head, and are made from the Egge "family-recipe" of high-silicone A-332 aluminum, magnesium and titanium. The pistons come in standard bore of 3.625", .020 .030, .040, and .060 over-sizes. Custom over-sizes are available on request. Made In America.

| 1954 60 Ford 223 6 Cylinder Pistons And Engine Kits
1954-60 Ford 223 6 cylinder Pistons and Engine Kits
1954 Engine Kit Part Number F223M54
1955-60 Engine Kit Part Number F223M55-60

| 1954 60 Ford 223 6 Cylinder Pistons And Engine Kits Open