I began researching camper jack options when I started having serious issues lifting my camper using the factory corner jack system. I was never happy with how the corner jacks worked. They took a very long time to raise and lower the camper, they seemed very unstable, and I never felt safe being around the camper when loading or unloading. Bottom line, my family members either found themselves dreading the process of having to load the camper on the truck (which resulted in many missed opportunities for spur-of-the-moment getaways) or, if we thought we might use the camper in the next several weeks, it would often stay on the truck for extended periods because of the hassle and time it took to load and unload. Given that this truck is my primary vehicle, I often hauled around the camper unnecessarily.

| stable Lift System lowering Frame
When I researched various jack systems on the market they all seemed to have the same shortcomings as the factory jacks. Then I discovered the Stable-Lift system. This design solved many of the shortcomings of corner jacks and had some additional benefits I never dreamed would be possible—like allowing you to use your camper off the truck once you reach your destination. Wouldn't that be convenient! After completing my research, the Stable-Lift was without a doubt the best option—the corner jack systems didn’t remotely compare.
The reason many of us choose to use a camper is that it offers flexibility. If you take the camper off at the campsite you then have the ability to use your truck. And that's not to mention the added benefits of not having to purchase, insure, and maintain a separate vehicle such as a fullsize RV. Most truck campers come from the factory with standard corner jacks. This system severely limits the versatility of the truck camper because of the time and hassle it requires to take the camper on and off the truck as well as the instability of the camper when it is off the truck. The corner jack systems usually require the use of sawhorses to support the weight of the camper when it is off the truck, which is virtually impossible to do on a trip away from home—who has the space to carry sawhorses with them? Wouldn't it be nice to be able to use the camper while it is off the truck in the middle of a journey?
The Stable-Lift system solves these limitations by providing a safe and secure camper lifting system that enables you to quickly load and unload the camper, which makes it easier to use the camper more often, including when it's off the truck. Being able to use your truck as a truck once you arrive at your destination is a wonderful thing. It eliminates the necessity of bringing a towed vehicle for those quick runs to the store, and it gives you the freedom to explore off-the-beaten-path-type places you would never consider taking your truck to with the camper loaded on it.
The Stable-Lift is available for any truck and camper combination and is offered in a large variety of powdercoated color finishes. I chose a black frame to match the color of our truck and I think it blends in nicely—it all but disappears when it's on the rig. Stable-Lift offers a two- or three-jack system. The latter allows for more leveling adjustments while off the truck and is designed for larger campers up to 6,500 pounds. The framework is made of a very stout steel construction. Roughly 80 percent of Stable-Lift's customers perform their own installations of the Stable-Lift and the company provides excellent customer support.
Safety - The Stable-Lift design is exponentially safer than using corner jacks. There are many stories about serious consequences when a corner jack has failed. My experience loading and unloading the camper with corner jacks was always stressful because I had to make sure the weight was equally distributed on all four corners so the camper did not fall over if too much weight shifted to a particular corner.
Speed - Loading and unloading the camper is quick and painless, which enables us to use the rig much more often, especially for quick overnight trips, which we never considered before because of the time and hassle of loading a camper with corner jacks. The Stable-Lift design uses a large framework to secure the camper to the truck, eliminating the need of a tie-down system and frame-mounted connectors entirely. Just raise the framework all the way, and your camper is secured to the truck—it's that easy. We timed how long it took for the camper to go from its highest position to being loaded and secured on the truck—two minutes exactly. Now that's fast! Simply put, this system allows us to get more use and enjoyment from the investment in our camper.
Flexibility - Because the Stable-Lift is so stable when the camper is off the truck, we can now use our truck when we reach our destination. No need for a separate towed vehicle and the associated costs including the purchase price, insurance, registration, and maintenance, plus the decrease in fuel mileage of the tow rig on the way to our destination. The hassle of driving with a towed vehicle en route to your destination is also eliminated, allowing easier navigation of parking lots, highway merges, mountain passes, etc.
Convenient - The Stable-Lift system also allows you to level the camper while it is still on the truck once you reach your destination by lowering the framework to the ground with the push of a button. Using blocks under the tires to attempt to level the camper is no longer required.
While the Stable-Lift is not cheap, it is definitely one of those rare products where you get what you pay for. This is the best investment I have made since I started using a camper and I have no doubt I will get years of enjoyment out of it.
Let's see: I get more use out of my camper with less hassle, more safety, and it's backed by a 17-year-old company that stands behind its product—that definitely sounds like a no-brainer to me. My only regret is that I did not find out about the Stable-Lift sooner.
Given my positive experience with the Stable-Lift, I plan to install it on any campers I buy in the future and will be throwing the corner jacks where they belong—in the trash.