There are two keys on my keychain for which I have forgotten the corresponding locks. To prevent these types of situations, Strattec has unveiled their new BOLT Series of locks, a wide variety of pre-programmable locks designed to be used with your truck or SUV key.

| strattec Single Key Bolt Series Locks padlock
BOLT is an acronym for Breakthrough One-key Lock Technology, but thankfully, the technology is not excessively complicated. BOLT Series locks use a patented, automotive-style cylinder that is make-specific (primarily Chrysler, Ford, and GM at the moment) and coded to a vehicle key before first use. The locks feature a shutter and six-plate tumbler, and for those interested in the specifics, you can visit Strattec’s Web page for a quick demo.
“Imagine the convenience of having just one key for all your locks, and it’s the key you always have with you,” said Mike Long, Strattec’s director of new market development. “We anticipate huge interest in this product among a variety of users, from auto/truck enthusiasts and outdoorsmen to contractors and fleet managers.”
The BOLT Series currently includes a padlock, a 5/8-inch receiver lock, a half-inch receiver lock, cable lock, spare tire lock, and motorcycle lock, with more products to come in the future. Strattec estimates the locks will fit over 88 percent of light trucks and over 70 percent of all Chrysler, Ford, and GM vehicles on the road today.

| strattec Single Key Bolt Series Locks full Line
For those who want a bit of credence, the BOLT Series has won Best New Product awards at the 2009 Associated Locksmiths of America and 2009 International Convention of Allied Sportfishing Trades shows.
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