Product Spotlight: Help Alerter Flashing LED Roadside Assistance Sign
In today's world, putting your hazards on can mean any number of things, from "imminent slowdown ahead" to "I'm driving below the speed limit here" to "I just won this streetlight to streetlight race." Because flashing hazard lights can have ambiguous implications as to what the driver is trying to signal, there is the Help Alerter, a great safety solution for the motorist who likes to be extra prepared.

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The Help Alerter is a special license-plate holder that features a highly noticeable, flashing "Help" sign that's activated when the license plate is pulled down. The easy-to-install and -use holder can be mounted to any location your rear license plate is located, including trunks, hatch lids, and bumpers. During normal vehicle operation, the license plate covers the sign by sitting on top of it. In times of emergency or when pulled off to the side of the road, the license plate is pulled down, activating and exposing the flashing sign.
The unit features a heavy-gauge plastic construction for added durability and utilizes LED lights for high visibility even in especially hard-to-see scenarios. The Help Alerter will continue flashing even if your vehicle's battery has died, as the sign runs on its own battery source. For the motorist who needs roadside assistance, this product can prove to be an invaluable asset.
Help Concepts, Inc.
Phone: 803.322.0702