Product Spotlight: The Do It All Azentek SmartMirror
Let's say you want GPS navigation, a backup camera, and Bluetooth for your cell-phone, and none of these features comes standard with your current car. You'll have to shell out the cash for a new, moderately high-end car for all these features right? Wrong, because with the Azentek SmartMirror you can have it all with just one product.
The SmartMirror is a new innovative car product for those wanting the advanced technological features not available for all cars, yet don't have to put up thousands of dollars for one. The SmartMirror integrates GPS navigation, a Bluetooth unit, backup camera capability, and a 4-in. Touch Screen LCD monitor onto a portion of a standard rearview mirror, providing a discreet technologically advanced product that doesn't need to take up extra space in your interior or change the factory finish of your dashboard.

| azentek Smartmirror full View
Along with GPS navigation, a Bluetooth unit, backup camera capability, and a 4-in. Touch Screen LCD monitor, the SmartMirror also packs a Samsung 400Mhz processor, a 2GB SD card for storing maps, pictures, and e-books, an integrated speaker, and built-in Bluetooth functions including Bluetooth hands-free phone, call history log, and auto call answering.
To learn more about the SmartMirror, visit the Azentek website.
Source: Azentek Press Release