2008 Dodge Ram 2500 Buildup - From Stock to Rock: Weekend Buildup

Time, it's the biggest enemy a diesel enthusiast has. Each of us spends at least 40 hours a week at work, 56 hours sleeping (if you're lucky), and what seems like years doing chores around the house. Most of us only get a few hours of the day to even enjoy driving our diesels. So where does that leave time for actually working on them? The answer is-it doesn't.
When we want to modify our diesels, we practically have to schedule it like we would a vacation. We have to set aside some time that we can wrench, wire, and customize our machines to make them our own. Otherwise it seems like our trucks just end up being stock forever.

Here at Diesel Power we believe that the best way to tackle a truck project is to set it up ahead of time, get all the parts in one place, and do all of the work at once. To test this theory, we enlisted our friend Mark Lankhorst's new 6.7L '08 Dodge Ram 2500 and gathered enough parts to lift it, add some power, and give it a truly unique look.
Mark Lankhorst and Bryan Kinney, owner of KC Customs in Santa Rosa, California, are good friends, so when it came time for Lankhorst to tear into his '08 Dodge Ram, Kinney offered up his shop for our weekend photo shoot.