1997 Ford F350 - Step-By-Step Axle Repair

| 1997 Ford F350 Axle Repair front Axle
Many of you out there make New Year's resolutions. Some of you vow to go on that long overdue diet, some of you pledge to get more done around the house, and some of you promise to be nicer to the in-laws. In light of the New Year, we decided to create a resolution of our own here at Diesel Power: To work on our trucks more.
Our New Year's resolution for our '97 Power Stroke was to not overlook necessary repairs. After going straight for the power-adding new injectors, a chip, and an exhaust system-we neglected fixing our leaky front Dana 60's axle seal. For 2009, we've decided to focus on how to keep our Power Stroke on the road and functional, rather than getting more power. We'll begin by showing you how we replaced our worn axle seals in this issue. This is a fix you and a fellow shade-tree mechanic can do in your own driveway with a jack, two jackstands, and some simple handtools. Here's how we did it.