| bonspeed Wheels Design Contest green Nissan Titan
Yup, it's that time again. Christmas is just around the corner and it's time to start scraping up change to get yourself the present you've always wanted: a brand new set of shiny billet wheels! Well, once again your favorite mag has come up with a way to help get you one step closer to your dream mini-truck without breaking the bank. That's right! We're giving away the chance at getting a full set of 20-inch Bonspeed Wheels.

| bonspeed Wheels Design Contest wheel
Here's how it works: The Bonspeed Wheel Design Contest will give you a shot at designing your own wheel, and if it is picked as the best design, it will not only be produced, but you'll also get your very own set to sport on your mini.
Guidelines Entries will be accepted from 9/5/06 through 11/5/06 (limited one entry per company) and can be mailed to:

| bonspeed Wheels Design Contest tire
Mini Truckin' magazine
Attn: Bonspeed Wheel Contest
2400 E. Katella Ave., 7th Floor
Anaheim, CA 92806
E-mail: [email protected](all entrys must be a high-res jpeg at least 1600x1200)
The entry must show a full view of the wheel design by itself and can also be displayed on a vehicle for extra points. All forms of design are accepted (photoshop, hand drawn, and everything in between). After all entries have been received they will be reviewed by the judging panel and Bonspeed will pick a Top 3 to be produced.

PrizesThe Top 3 wheels will be chosen and produced.
Grand Prize (1st Place): The winner will get their design produced and will get a free set (four wheels in available lug patterns, no custom offsets or lug patterns) of wheels, up to 20 inches.
1st Runner-Up: Will get their wheel produced and $500 off a full set of wheels (must buy a complete set of four wheels to be eligible).

2nd Runner-Up: Will get their wheel produced and $500 off a full set of wheels (must buy a complete set of four wheels to be eligible).
Bonspeed has the final consideration on whether to produce the wheels.
This is the winning design from last year's design contest. Think you can do better?