Hey MT,
I saw a Chevy in your magazine, a '92 Chevy with KMC units, a front-wheel-drive offset wheel, that I've been seeking for my bagged '92 Chevy. Anyway, can you put me in touch with the right people to get these wheels or tell me how to make them work on my truck? The pics don't look like he is using any kind of spacer because it's tuckin' pretty good. Thank you. I love the magazine.
Kim Grof
Via the Internet

| readers Letters Paper Cuts spacers
Contrary to popular belief, it's very possible to tuck a wheel with ease while using adapters/spacers. The reason being that the standard wheel that goes on an S-10's offset is usually around 10-18 mm. A front-wheel-drive wheel sits at about 35-40 mm. This gives you roughly 20 mm that you have to space out just to make it work as a normal offset wheel for your vehicle. Buy any front-wheel-drive wheel you want and space away.
I want to attempt to perform a body drop on my '97 Chevy S-10 single cab. Could you please send me any info, pics, or data on doing this? I remember there was an article on this but I do not have those issues anymore. I want to clear out my engine bay to keep only the engine and brake system, but I'm not sure what I really don't need or what I can just yank out. Any advice would be helpful. Also, my subscription has expired and I want to reorder but I live in Mexico. Is there any extra cost associated with making this happen?
Thank you!
Brent Tassone

| readers Letters Paper Cuts custom Chevy S10
All of your body-drop questions are handled in a series of articles from the Dec. '01 through Feb. '02 issues of Mini Truckin' titled "Totally Hammered." These articles give a generalization of how to body-drop...and, much to your delight, on an S-10. If you can't get these issues through our back issue department, go onto your favorite mini-truck forums and ask other mini-truckers if they're willing to part with or photocopy these pages for you. To get your subscription questions handled, call subscriber services at (800) 765-0484.
Dear MT,
Let me say that your magazine totally kicks ass. I own a '97 Chevrolet S-10 standard cab stepside that's dropped 4 inches with 17-inch wheels and custom paint. I'm getting ready to bag it and have just a couple questions for you. My first is about tire size. I would like to run an 18/20 combo, as I don't want to tub my firewall. What would be a good combination of tire sizes with a lo-pro look without too much difference in sidewall height? Also, does running staggered wheel sizes have any adverse effects on the vehicle, or would I just be better off with 18's all the way around? I want the truck to lay frame so I can drag it. My second question is about body drops. What's the difference between a traditional (which I understand) and a stock floor body drop? Thanks a lot and keep on draggin'!
Adam Perry
Sinful Addictions C.C.
Owosso, Michigan

| Darrell Logan's Rebirth of Slick ran a combo with 225/35R18's up front and 245/35R20's in the back
What you should do on the tire size to get the right look you are looking for is, find a feature of an S-10 with a tire size that you admire. The information of the tires should be in the article. There are just too many possibilities on our end to list, so this seems to be the best idea to make you have a good decision. We have never heard of a staggered wheel/tire combo having any effects on the vehicle. As far as the body drops are concerned, you understand the traditional, which is a step in the floor that leaves clearance for the frame to come through and become even with the bottom of the body. A stock floor, as it is called, would be a body-dropped stance while retaining a near-stock floorboard. The way this is achieved is by shortening the height of the frame to make the mounting points lower. The only cuts in the floor should be to clearance the transmission, depending on if you need to or not. It's not a completely stock floor, but let's just say that it's definitely fat guy approved.
Hello. My name is Jeremy Brooke. I drive a 1998 Isuzu Hombre. I was wondering, if possible, how hard it would be to put an S-10 front end on my truck. I also seem to have a hard time finding bolt-ons for it (i.e., billet grilles, cowl hoods, etc.). Any information you have would help out tremendously. I am currently in the Army, deployed to Iraq, and don't return back to the States for another four months. Any advice that will make building a custom mini will help out. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this.
Jeremy Brooke
You're in luck on the first aspect of your truck. The cab on an S-10 and an Isuzu are the same, so the fenders will bolt-on, as will the hood. We wish the news we had was that we ran into a boatload of Hombre stuff that was found in a missing container from China. Unfortunately, after searching it seems that people that build Isuzu's are bold and have to pretty much custom-make the simple accessories for their rides. We have seen cowl hoods and billet grilles on them, but it seems that they are modified versions made to fit their rides. By the way, get back safe so we can drag with you one day.
Dear MT,
I just became a subscriber not too long ago, but I already love the mag. I am a first-timer and I need help. I own an '86 Nissan 720, but I can't find many options for a non-Hardbody. I know you guys have the hook-up, so do you know anywhere that I can find more options for my truck? Thanks for all the help you can give me.
Robert Wunderlich, 17
Priest River, Idaho
Boy, where to start? With your ride you'll have to be a little more creative than most. The payoff is the fact that you'll have a mini that sticks out from everyone else's. You can't pay for that type of modification or aftermarket part. To start with, call up JBM at (800) 599-7126. They have all of your front end conversions taken care of. As for accessories and suspension components, hit up www.truckperformance.com. For your sheetmetal needs, there are quite a few companies that have you covered, including FBI and Grant Kustoms. Between these companies, you should be off to a great start.